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Inside CDCR, CIM Facility D has been partially deactivated

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    Facility D (FAD) at California Institution for Men (CIM) was partially deactivated in spring 2023.

    The Secure Level 1 Non-Designated Programming Facility and was the third oldest prison in the state of California. Dating to 1941, it was previously known as the Minimum Support Facility.

    The facility’s primary mission was vocational training and productive employment combining farming with industry.

    In 1941, there were only two housing units, South and West Dorm. As of the date of partial deactivation, there were 12 housing units.

    CIM is committed to rehabilitation. As such, even though the Facility D housing units have been deactivated, rehabilitative programs such as CALPIA Dive School, CAL PIA Laundry, Paws behind Walls and Vocation and Education programs continue to be provided at CIM’s remaining three facilities.

    The facility was partially deactivated April 16, 2023.

    Learn more with Inside CDCR’s 2015 Unlocking History story on CIM.

    Submitted by Lt. Manuel Vega, AA/PIO
    California Institution for Men

    An empty prison cell block.
    Empty cells at CIM’s Facility D.
    South Dorm with a flag and sign with the words CIM, home of Pawz Behind Wallz  inmate service dog program.
    South Dorm’s entryway on CIM’s Facility D.
    Deactivated Facility D South Dorm at California Institution for Men with the words Home of the Prison Paws Program with a paw print logo.
    South Dorm at CIM, Facility D.
    Weeds in a field surrounded by a chain-link fence at the deactivated Facility D.
    An empty yard at Facility D.

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    Author: Caroline Salinas

    Last Updated: 1703524922

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    Author information

    Name: Caroline Salinas

    Birthday: 2018-08-07

    Address: 90141 James Falls Apt. 835, Mitchellport, OH 88761

    Phone: +3990596361886613

    Job: Article Writer

    Hobby: Playing Piano, Running, Chocolate Making, Metalworking, Backpacking, Juggling, Gardening

    Introduction: My name is Caroline Salinas, I am a multicolored, audacious, Colorful, irreplaceable, lively, persistent, risk-taking person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.